Friday, January 9, 2015

My Weight Loss Story

Let me start by saying that I am a pretty active 67 year old grandmother. I run a commercial (non-certified) organic garden in which I do most of the work myself. I home school my grandson. I make almost all our meals (for the 5 of us) from scratch. I take my wares to the Farmers' Market (in season) and run a custom bakery under the Texas Cottage Industry Law. I also blog when I have time and help my husband with our network marketing business. In other words, I keep very busy.

After we retired from missions and moved back to the US, I put on some extra pounds I simply couldn't get rid of no matter how hard I tried. Even though I got plenty of exercise with my lifestyle and I watched what I ate, I had consigned myself to the fact that I probably would not be able to ever get rid of those pesky extra 15 or so pounds simply because of my age.

As you'll see; I was absolutely wrong about that. All I needed were the right tools - the right system to follow.

A friend had introduced my husband to a fat burning and weight loss system about 2 years ago. I was less than thrilled. Although I really wanted him to lose weight, I had my doubts that he could do it. He had tried many things but nothing apart from a starvation diet had had any impact on his weight. So I took a "wait and see" attitude. I neither encouraged or discouraged him.

Fast forward to May of 2014 when I made the decision to try this fat burning and weight loss system for myself. I figured I would put it to the test even though I hadn't seen much result for my husband. But I also determined that if I was going to follow the system, he would also follow it (which he had not been doing). Toward the end of May we got started and within 2 months we had each lost 15 pounds by following the system exactly as it was designed. I had already hit my weight goal and he still had about 30 to 40 pounds to go to meet his. And we both have more energy now than ever.

We have both maintained that loss and he is steadily chipping away at a few more pounds at a time. And what I'm noticing is that he is losing inches right where he needed to and gaining lean muscle. Happy dance!

As a result, we are sharing this amazing and powerful system with everyone we can. You can give it a try and see for yourself. There is a 30-day money back guarantee. What do you have to lose besides a few excess pounds!?

Sharon Reece
903 583-6036

P.S. If you want to get started right away you can go here.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Problem of Obesity

Recently someone directed me to a video series called, The Weight of the Nation. How can we as a nation be so low fat/no fat conscious and yet have statistics that show the indices of obesity keep growing? Indeed, we have a problem - it is the problem of obesity.

While most people look to "quick fixes" such as switching from regular soft drinks to diet soft drinks, eating foods that are purported to be "no fat" or "low fat" instead of controlling portion sizes of what would be considered "normal" food, grabbing for a quick carb-filled snack instead of fresh fruit or some nuts, raisins, carrot sticks, celery, etc. Few people want to pay the price in lifestyle changes that would be required to control the problem of obesity.

I have never had a weight problem. There have been a few times in my life in which I put on a few extra pounds but for the most part I didn't have trouble taking them back off again and maintaining a trim, healthy figure. The hardest was getting the weight back off after baby number 3. But it eventually happened, much to my relief.

I truly believe that several factors contributed to my lack of a weight problem and to the fact that I have never had to deal with the problem of obesity.

1. Portion control. This was part of my upbringing. And it's something I have managed to pass on to my children and my grandchild. Just because something is available doesn't mean it needs to be eaten. I literally can have a chocolate bar in my possession and have it last days or even weeks, breaking off a tiny little piece to nibble on upon rare occasions. Probably one of the reasons I learned portion control was that food was not plentiful at our table when I was growing up. Portions were automatically controlled by outward circumstances. I lived within those limits.

2. No soft drinks. As a child and young adult, I grew up on water, milk and Kool-aid (made with real sugar). Soft drinks simply were not a part of our diets. Even on rare occasions they were a very special treat. As I recall my favorite was "Cream Soda" and we got it in real glass bottles. But I never drank it often enough to develop an addiction to it. Nor did I ever crave it or any other soft drink.

3. Healthy snacks. We always had what we called, "bed lunch." I'm not sure whether this was unique to our family or if there were other families who carried on the same tradition. Bed lunch might have been a bowl of popcorn, a cookie, a couple of crackers, a bowl of ice cream, a malted milk, an apple, a peach or something similar. Even though we now eat quite late and "bed lunch" would be superfluous, I usually have a cup of herbal tea in the evening after supper. Occasionally popcorn (air popped with olive oil and a little salt) - never the microwave popcorn that is not good for anyone, except the companies who sell it.

There is help for anyone who would like to remove themselves from the obesity statistics. Even if you don't have a lot of willpower, as long as you are willing to follow instructions and use products that will help you, there is hope. Become part of a growing club of 100 pound losers! Click here to find out how to lose weight, save money and be healthier than you can imagine.

Here's to a thinner, healthier you!

Sharon Reece

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My Favorite Book

Options today were to write about my favorite book or something taboo. By choosing to write about my favorite book, I am also writing about something taboo.

My favorite book is the Holy Bible. Although I grew up attending church (and loved it for the most part) there was not very much emphasis on the Bible. So when I got to college, I joined a Bible study some of the other girls were having in the dorm where I lived. That one simple thing impacted my life more than any other choice I ever made.

The Bible comes alive when you have a personal relationship with its author. Without that it is simply a collection of dusty old stories and seemingly miraculous tales. When you realize that you are a condemned sinner and that Jesus died on the cross in your place and you repent and thank Him for His sacrifice, a transaction takes place that transfers life and spiritual understanding to you. I will never forget the day I did that and verses from the Bible began to come alive, taking on meaning I had never understood before. Now each time I read old familiar passages, the Holy Spirit quickens them in new ways.

The Bible is my favorite book because it has the power to instruct me, teach me, train me, correct me, admonish me, encourage me, strengthen me, bring life to me and much, much more.

Monday, November 12, 2012

My Favorite Thing - Not Health Related

Just about everyone who knows me, knows that I am a passionate gardener. It's something I've enjoyed since I was young. And even though it isn't directly related to health, it probably has a significant impact not only on my health but on the health of many others; those to whom I sell my superior produce.

For me, gardening is a way to relax, be outside, get good exercise and just have fun. Nothing delights me more than to see little seedlings begin to push through the soil. And harvesting my own non-GMO and pesticide-free vegetables and fruits is icing on the cake. Admittedly, there is quite a bit of work, but it's so gratifying to go out and pick the best, freshest vegetables imaginable.

I garden very differently from the way my parents did. And I'm continually reading and learning new things about gardening. In the last few years I've become very interested in gardening with heirloom varieties. Each year I try new seed varieties, participate in seed exchanges, save seed from my favorites and plant them again the next year.

So far I don't have a greenhouse, but it's one of my dreams! Then I'll be able to keep my plants outside instead of bringing them into my house each winter!

P.S. Since I wrote this quite a few years ago, my backyard now has a greenhouse. I discovered that having a greenhouse wasn't all that I expected it to be and I hardly use it at all now. Live and learn!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

This Was Hilarious

The joke was on me!

When we lived in Brazil, we occasionally encountered bats. They were in some of the houses, attics, dark closets and yards at dusk. It was never very pleasant to be dive bombed by a bat. There were so many bats in some of the houses that occasionally our young teen boys were hired to shoot some of them. They had fun doing that.

One day I was standing in my living room and all of a sudden I felt something in my hair. My immediate thought was that it was a bat and that it had gotten tangled in my hair. I frantically thrashed my hands, jumped around in circles, screamed and yelled and generally carried on something fierce. My husband happened to be nearby and came to my rescue. Once I settled down, he helped me get the masking tape out of my hair. I had completely forgotten that he had tacked a piece of masking tape to the ceiling a couple of days earlier - to trap flies. Ended up trapping me instead.

I still chuckle when I think of how hilariously funny I must have looked! I felt pretty silly. But in all honesty, getting a bat tangled in my hair was one of my biggest fears.

Friday, November 9, 2012

A Descriptive Story about a Memory

On Sunday, my husband and I went to the Dallas Arboretum along with a dear friend. She had tickets to share with us. What an enjoyable day!

But it brought back memories of the day my son and I spent the day at the Arboretum in Madison, Wisconsin. He was studying at Wheaton College at the time but I was there and we were in Madison - although I don't really remember why.

It was a gorgeous spring day and the birds were beginning to appear again after their winter absence. Both of us loved plants and there were so many to see. Most had labels and we delighted in exclaiming over this plant or that plant. And in the midst were the chipmunks, squirrels and birds. We did a lot of walking, as I recall. It was a big place. And we had a hard time trying to decide which way to go; there was so much to see. I'm sure we missed many of the areas. I don't recall seeing too many flowers but some were budding out and the earliest ones were in bloom, I'm sure.

The thing that stands out to me most was my delight and enjoyment in being able to share such a glorious day with my middle child. We had often enjoyed nature together, but it had been a long time since we'd had the opportunity. He had gone off to boarding school when he was in 10th grade, now he was in college and we were in Brazil. So spending the day together was a rare occasion indeed.

All these memories flooded my soul last Sunday as we walked and enjoyed the Arboretum in Dallas. It was very different. There were flowers in bloom everywhere and blown glass sculptures of enormous proportions, crowds of people and warm sunshine. My thoughts were on John who is no longer with us. If you care to read the story you can find it at Aloha is Forever..

Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Letter to My Health

I'm not particularly inspired on either of the topics for today's post, so I'll go for this one. I'm writing it more to my body than to my health as it is really my body that enables health. So in my mind, it is my body that is responsible for my health.

Dear My Own Health (Body),

Thank you so much for responding positively beyond my wildest dreams to the healthy natural supplements I put into you. Thank you for being the amazing creation of God that is able to create good health out of good food, good habits and good supplements.

I wish I had known the secrets to keeping you healthy when I was much younger.but I'm very happy I finally discovered them. I went so many years suffering from lack of energy, symptoms that caused me intense discomfort, grief and pain. I lost so much time that could have been spent more productively. How glad I am that you are in good health now at the age of 65. You're amazing!

What an awesome blessing it is to be able to get out of bed feeling rested and ready to tackle the challenges of the day! What a blessing to be able to do anything and everything I would like to do! Thank you that I can dig up a whole garden bed without a single sore muscle or creaky joint! Amazing, amazing, amazing!

How faithful God has been to direct me to all the natural and beneficial supplements I need to walk in health. Without health, all my other plans would be frustrated. I would not be able to function at top performance and accomplish God's plans for my life.

Awesome, amazing body! Awesome, amazing supplements! Awesome amazing health! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.